One of the tasks I would often be asked to support would be the creation of posters for the clinics. When I had a bit of time or a hint of inspiration then I'd usually create something a little more interesting.
The poster created which has become the topic for this post is smoking cessation. Tobacco usage has in more recent times become recognized as one of the major public health issues facing both the developed and now developing parts of the globe. Over 50 percent of the male population are smoking in China now. Thats over 250 million people! Tobacco related diseases are expected to be responsible for 10 million tobacco related deaths per year by the year 2030, with 80% of these in the developing world. At the moment, tobacco has been implicated as a risk factor for 6 out of the 8 leading causes of death worldwide.
You see, once the tobacco companies were restricted from advertising and their use in public spaces prohibited in the developed world, they concentrated all their considerable marketing muscle in the developing world. The largest business transaction ever in Indonesia was when Sampoerna, a local cigarette manufacturer was bought out by Philip Morris.
Anyway, the poster was quite well received. I hope it gives you some ideas or at the very least some information.